Senior Vice President
河原田 裕太
Yuta Kawaharada
Yuta Kawaharada

プロフィール Profile
監査法人トーマツにて、会計監査業務に従事した後、マレーシア不動産の仲介業務を中心としたベンチャー企業を共同設立、マレーシア法人代表として会社経営を行う。その後、デロイトトーマツファイナンシャルアドバイザリーにて、財務デューデリジェンス、カーブアウト財務諸表作成支援、会計ストラクチャー助言等の業務に従事。 Mr. Kawaharada joined our group in 2020. Prior to joining the group, he most recently worked at Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory, where he was involved in financial due diligence, supporting to prepare carve-out financial statements and advising on accounting structures. Prior to that, he led a start-up company focusing on real estate brokerage in Malaysia as a co-founder and CEO of the local corporation. He started his career at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, where he was involved in accountancy services.
Mr. Kawaharada is a Certified Public Accountant.
IESE Business School修士課程修了(MBA)
Mr. Kawaharada received an M.B.A. from IESE Business School in Barcelona and a B.A. in Economics from Keio University.