Vice President
高山 義弘
Yoshihiro Takayama
Yoshihiro Takayama

プロフィール Profile
PwCあらた有限責任監査法人にて、会計監査業務、内部統制構築業務に従事。その後、PwCアドバイザリー及び日本M&Aセンターにて、案件ソーシング、エグゼキューション、デューデリジェンス、財務モデリング、株式価値評価、投資戦略立案等のM&Aアドバイザリー業務に従事。 Mr. Takayama joined our group in 2022. Prior to joining the group, he focused on M&A advisory services on various projects, such as deal sourcing, execution, due diligence, financial modeling, valuation, and investment strategy development at Nihon M&A Center and PwC Advisory. Prior to that, he worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata LLC, where he was involved in accountancy service and internal control system development.
同志社大学商学部卒業 Mr. Takayama received a B.A. in Commerce from Doshisha University.