Statutory Auditor
平岡 繁
Shigeru Hiraoka
Shigeru Hiraoka

プロフィール Profile
旧中央監査法人にて、金融機関、製造、小売等の幅広い業界の会計監査業務に従事した後、独立開業。 Mr. Hiraoka joined our group in 2006 and has been a Statutory Auditor since 2013. He currently serves and has previously served on the board of directors of various portfolio companies as an outside statutory auditor. He started his career at Chuo Audit Corporation, where he audited in financial institutions, various manufacturing companies and retail businesses and started an independent CPA firm after that.
Mr. Hiraoka is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Public Tax Accountant.
Mr. Hiraoka received a B.A. in Economics from Keio University.