シニアヴァイスプレジデント Senior Vice President
堀田 光太郎 Kotaro Horita
Kotaro Horita

堀田 光太郎

プロフィール Profile

三菱マテリアルにて、貴金属ディーリング業務、銅製錬副原料調達業務に従事。その後、デロイトトーマツファイナンシャルアドバイザリーにて、企業価値評価業務、国内外の案件におけるM&Aアドバイザリー業務等に従事。 Mr. Horita joined our group in 2021. Prior to joining the group, he worked at Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory, where he was involved in corporate valuation and advisory services for various domestic/international M&A projects.
He started his career at Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, where he worked for precious metals trading and procurement of secondary raw materials for copper smelting.


一橋大学商学部卒業 Mr. Horita received a B.A. in Commerce and Management from Hitotsubashi University.

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