エグゼクティブアドバイザー Executive Advisor
中村 公泰 Kimiyasu Nakamura
Kimiyasu Nakamura

中村 公泰

プロフィール Profile

日産自動車にて、車両設計、商品企画、日本・東南アジア地域責任者等幅広く経験。ルノー日産アライアンスにも従事し、部品共用化戦略、品質保証体系統合等を策定推進。日中自動車最大合弁の東風汽車有限公司総裁等を歴任した後、取締役副社長として全社グローバル品質を担当、完成検査問題も主導。 Mr. Nakamura joined our group in 2020. Prior to joining the group, he was an Executive Vice President of Nissan Motor, focusing on global quality and took a leadership role in resolving the final vehicle inspection issue as well. He worked for Nissan Motor and its group for 40 years, where he experienced various projects on vehicle design, product planning, and served as senior management positions, such as Management Committee Chairman for Japan-Asia & Oceania and President and CEO of Dongfeng Motor Company Ltd. in China, the largest Japan-China automotive joint venture. He also led parts commonization project and quality control system integration in the Nissan-Renault Alliance.
He is involved in investment and value-up processes based on his various experience in the automotive industry.


Mr. Nakamura received a M.E and a B.E. from Keio University.

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