Outside Director
平尾 覚
Kaku Hirao
Kaku Hirao

プロフィール Profile
検事として、東京、福岡、岡山地検等に勤務し、捜査・公判活動に従事したほか、法務省刑事局にて、刑事政策の立案及び国会対応等に従事。2011年弁護士登録。数多くの企業の危機管理・争訟案件、予防的危機管理業務に従事。 Mr.Hirao joined our group in 2016 and currently serves as an external director. He is a partner attorney at Nishimura & Asahi(Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo) and advises on many cases in relation with corporate crisis management and litigation. In addition to the cases which require emergency responses, he advised many companies to build effective whistle blowing systems and anti-bribery compliance programs, and has assisted with due diligence procedures from the compliance perspective. Previously, he was a public prosecutor with various experiences such as criminal investigations, trial, and drafting governmental policy for criminal affairs etc..
Mr.Hirao is an admitted attorney of Japan (2011)
弁護士(西村あさひ法律事務所・外国法共同事業 パートナー)
Mr. Hirao received an LL.M. from University of Illinois Collage of Law and a LL.B. from the University of Tokyo.