Senior Vice President
加藤 潤己
Junki Kato
Junki Kato

プロフィール Profile
監査法人トーマツにて、製造・小売・飲食等の企業に対する会計監査業務、IPO支援業務に従事。その後、リクルートにて、不動産領域におけるメディアやSaaS事業の戦略立案・計画策定・戦略推進・事業開発、子会社経営等の業務に従事。 Mr. Kato joined our group in 2021. Prior to joining the group, he worked at Recruit on strategy planning/promotion of web portal and SaaS business, business development and running subsidiaries, mainly for the real estate industry. He started his career at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, where he was involved in accountancy service, IPO support services for manufacturing, retail and restaurant industries.
早稲田大学商学部卒業 Mr. Kato received a B.A. in Commerce from Waseda University.