Outside Director
鈴木 洋之
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Hiroyuki Suzuki

プロフィール Profile
旧監査法人中央会計事務所入所後、ニューヨーク事務所勤務を経て国際税務事務所の立ち上げに参画。1988年よりパートナー、1999年から2012年までPwC税理士法人のCEOとして同法人を率いる。2012年から2016年までPwC Japanグループ代表。2020年みずほ証券取締役監査等委員就任。 Mr. Suzuki joined our group in 2016 and currently serves as an external director. He is also an Outside Director of Mizuho Securities, serving as a member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee. Prior to joining the group, He was the Territory Partner of PwC Japan from 2012 to 2016. He had been a partner in the firm for 24 years since 1988, including 12 years as the CEO of Zeirishi-Hojin PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC Tax Japan). Before that, he was a partner of Chuo Coopers & Lybrand International Tax Office, where he involved in the establishment of the international tax office. Prior to his appointment as a partner, he spent more than six years at the New York office of Coopers & Lybrand, and Chuo Accountant Corporation in Tokyo.
Mr. Suzuki received an M.B.A. from New York University and a B.A. in Economics from Keio University.