シニアヴァイスプレジデント Senior Vice President
加嶋 諒 Ryo Kashima
Ryo Kashima

加嶋 諒

プロフィール Profile

あずさ監査法人にて、金融機関等に対する会計監査業務、内部統制アドバイザリー業務に従事。その後、みずほ証券にて、主にTMTセクターの企業に対する、カーブアウト、事業承継、公開買付け、第三者割当増資等のM&Aアドバイザリー業務に従事。 Mr. Kashima joined our group in 2021. Prior to joining the group, he worked at Mizuho Securities, where he was involved in various M&A advisory projects mainly for TMT sectors, including carve-out, business succession, TOB and third-party allotment.
He started his career at KPMG AZSA LLC, where he was involved in accountancy services and financial internal control advisory for financial institutions.


Mr. Kashima is a Certified Public Accountant.

Mr. Kashima received a B.A. in Commerce from Kwansei Gakuin University.

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