エグゼクティブディレクター Executive Director
貴島 彰 Akira Kijima
Akira Kijima

貴島 彰

プロフィール Profile

三菱自動車にて、開発バリューチェーンを統括すると共に海外アライアンス事業を推進。外資傘下では常務として経営グローバル化を主導。さらに日資への移行後は、代表取締役常務として企業再生計画の策定と実行を指揮。 Mr. Kijima joined our group in 2005 Prior to joining the group, he led development/implementation of the MMC Turnaround plan as a member of the board of directors at Mitsubishi Motors, where he had been supervising value chain in development and accelerating global business alliance as well. During the DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi alliance period, he also led the corporate management globalization plan as an executive director.
He is involved in investment and value-up processes based on his management experience, knowledge in manufacturing engineering, and human network in various industries.


Mr.Kijima received a M.E. and a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from Kyoto University.

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