Since the formative period of the Japanese fund industry, we have been working to solve social issues through its investment activities.

ESG年次活動報告 ESG Report

2023年ESGレポート 2023 ESG Report
We are pleased to announce the release of our “2023 ESG Report.”
In this second-year report, we provide information on our overall approach to ESG and our strong commitment, emphasizing our unique approach of incorporating our ESG perspectives into problem-solving and value creation for our portfolio companies.
We hope this report helps you gain a deeper understanding of EU’s dedication to ESG.
Your feedback on this report is greatly appreciated.

2022年ESG年次活動報告 2022 ESG Report
We are pleased to announce the publication of our “2022 ESG Report.”
This report marks our first significant step to introduce our ESG activities undertaken with our portfolio companies.
In the report, we are trying to highlight the strong correlation between our investment philosophy and ESG initiatives. We’re also trying to introduce our collaboration with our portfolio companies in weaving voices, experiences and perspectives of the individuals involved in our ESG activities, aiming to share the same view and passion for sustainable growth.
We hope this report will be a support in fostering a better understanding of our commitment to both our investment and post-investment activities.
Your feedback on the report is highly appreciated.
ESGへの取り組み ESG Approach

基本方針 Outline of our Approach to Responsible Investment
Endeavour United Co., Ltd. and its group companies provide capital in the best possible way to solve various management issues faced by Japanese companies, thereby aiming to enhance corporate value in the long term together with portfolio companies. We take a respectful approach to build a cooperative relationship with the wide range of stakeholders including business partners and relevant financial institutions. With this investment philosophy, the Group understands that environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues have a significant impact on both our own management and our portfolio companies’ management.
In line with our investment philosophy aimed at enhancing corporate value, we have initially codified our Responsible Investment Policy in 2016, which has been reviewed and revised to this Policy in order to further integrate the procedures for responsible investment incorporating ESG risks and opportunities into value creation in our investments.
PRIへの署名 Signing the PRI
当社は、責任投資原則(PRI:Principles for Responsible Investment)に署名し、以下の6つの原則へのコミットメントを宣言しております。 As a signatory of PRI( The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment), as far as consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities, we commit to the following:
- 私たちは、投資分析と意思決定のプロセスに ESG の課題を組み込みます We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
- 私たちは、活動的な所有者となり、所有方針と所有習慣にESG の課題を組み入れます We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
- 私たちは、投資対象の主体に対して ESG の課題について適切な開示を求めます We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
- 私たちは、資産運用業界において本原則が受け入れられ、実行に移されるように働きかけを行います We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry.
- 私たちは、本原則を実行する際の効果を高めるために、協働します We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles.
- 私たちは、本原則の実行に関する活動状況や進捗状況に関して報告します We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.

社会貢献活動 Social Contribution Activities

We understand the importance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations and have continuously supported efforts to address the social, economic, and environmental challenges facing the world. In particular, we have focused our support projects on poverty, education, and gender-related issues through NPOs as shown below.
As a member of the local and the international communities, we will continue our efforts to help solve various social issues both domestically and internationally.
女子学生向け奨学金助成事業 Scholarship to Women Graduate Students
一般財団法人を設立し、国内の大学院に在籍する日本人女子学生への奨学金(返済不要)を助成しています。 Established a foundation to operate grant-type scholarships to Japanese female students in the following graduate schools
女の子の自立支援プロジェクト Girls’ Economic Empowerment

都市部に出て就業機会を求める少数民族の若年層の女性が、手に職をつけ安定した収入を得られるように美容師としての技術習得および自立を支援しました。 Supported beautician training program to enable ethnic minority young women who seek working opportunities in urban areas to achieve economic independence
病院建設プロジェクト Building Pediatric Ward

高額な治療費、施設や専門医の不足により治療が受けられない小児がんなどの難病を患う子どもたちのための小児病棟を設立しました。 Established a pediatric ward for children with intractable diseases such as childhood cancer who are unable to receive treatment due to high treatment cost and lack of facilities and specialist doctors.
水と衛生プロジェクト Clean Water and Sanitation

経済状況が厳しい上に社会的な孤立を余儀なくされる山岳地帯の少数民族のコミュニティに給水施設を設置。安全な水へのアクセスが可能になりました。 Installed water supply facilities for ethnic minority communities in mountainous areas that face difficult economic conditions and social isolation to make it possible to access clean water.
幼稚園建設プロジェクト Building Preschools

貧困により簡素な施設での乳幼児教育を強いられていた子どもたちに、安全で衛生的な幼稚園園舎を提供。就学率の向上に寄与しました。 Provided safe and hygienic kindergarten buildings for children who were forced to receive early education in under-resourced facilities due to poverty, which contributed to an increase in the school enrollment rate.