会社概要 Company Description
Company Description

Since our establishment in 2002,
we have been one of the longest-standing and
most prominent players in the PE fund industry in Japan.

代表取締役 CEO Tomohiko Mimura 三村智彦 Tomohiko Mimura







Endeavour United is an investment fund established to pursue a vision of “uniquely Japanese way of investing for Japanese companies”.

Under the rapidly changing economic environment, we focus on enhancing the medium to long term corporate value by working closely with our portfolio companies, respective management team and all the employees, providing effective solutions to various management issues.

When we think of our portfolio companies’ future, we believe it is critical to respect and value the “Hopes” and “Ideas” of the respective management team, employees, owners and parent companies. The “Hopes” and “Ideas” can be “How would we like the company to look like in the future?” or “How would we like the company to grow?”.

We have invested in over 80 companies. We have placed significant efforts in understanding the “Hopes” and “Ideas” of the management team and other stakeholders in a sincere manner and have resolved difficult issues together. We hope that the capital we provide functions as a source for new and innovative challenges, achieving long term growth for all the portfolio companies.

Sparing no effort to the very end, we are dedicating to bring these “Hopes” and “Ideas” into real value.

会社概要 Company Description

名称 Name of Company エンデバー・ユナイテッド株式会社 Endeavour United Co., Ltd.
事業内容 Business 投資ファンドの運営 Private equity fund management
所在地 Address 〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内二丁目5番1号 丸の内二丁目ビル6階 6F, Marunouchi 2-chome Building, 2-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan 100-0005
設立 Established 2013年4月24日 April, 2013
グループ設立 Establishment of the Group 2002年1月21日 January, 2002
資本金 Paid-in Capital 80百万円 JPY 80 million
株主 Shareholders エンデバー・ユナイテッド・ホールディングス株式会社 Endeavour United Holdings Co.,Ltd.
代表取締役 CEO 三村 智彦 Tomohiko Mimura
取締役 Board of Directors 飯塚 敏裕、平尾 覚(西村あさひ法律事務所 弁護士)、鈴木 洋之(公認会計士)、
山下 裕子(一橋大学大学院経営管理研究科教授)
Tomohiko Mimura, Toshiyuki Iizuka, Kaku Hirao (Attorney at Nishimura & Asahi(Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo)) , Hiroyuki Suzuki(CPA) and Yuko Yamashita(Marketing professor at Hitotsubashi University)
監査役 Auditor 平岡 繁(公認会計士)、山内 正彦(公認会計士) Shigeru Hiraoka (CPA) and Masahiko Yamauchi (CPA)

沿革 History

2002 01

フェニックス・キャピタル(株)(以下、PC)設立 Phoenix Capital (PC) is established

2002 03

1号ファンド(200億円)設立 Launches Fund-1 (JPY 20 billion)

2002 07

日本リバイバル・インベストメンツ(株)(以下、NRI)設立 Nippon Revival Investments (NRI) is established as a subsidiary of PC

2002 10

2号ファンド(471億円)設立 Launches Fund-2 (JPY 47.1 billion)

2004 06

3号ファンド(331億円)設立 Launches Fund-3 (JPY 33.1 billion)

2004 07

三菱自動車向けファンド(740億円)設立 Launches Special Purpose Fund for Mitsubishi Motors (JPY 74 billion)

2005 07

4号ファンド(285億円)設立 Launches Fund-4 (JPY 28.5 billion)

2005 1 1

5号ファンド(201億円)設立 Launches Fund-5 (JPY 20.1 billion)

2008 04

6号ファンド(102億円)設立 Launches Fund-6 (JPY 10.2 billion)

2012 02

中小機構との共同ファンド(25億円)設立 Launches co-Investment fund with Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN (SMRJ) (JPY 2.5 billion)

2013 04

エンデバー・ユナイテッド(株)(以下、EU)設立 Endeavour United (EU) is established as a subsidiary of PC

2016 03

EU本格始動(PCのフロント業務をEUへ移管) Full scale launch of EU team (Transfer investment function from PC to EU).

2016 03

7号ファンド(227億円)設立 Launches Fund-7 (JPY 22.7 billion)

2017 12

NRI解散(業務をEUへ移管) Dissolve NRI and transfer its business to EU

2018 09

8号ファンド(351億円)設立 Launches Fund-8 (JPY 35.1 billion)

2022 04

PRI(責任投資原則)へ署名 Becomes a signatory of PRI (The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment)

2022 08

9号ファンド(530億円)設立 Launches Fund-9 (JPY 53.0 billion)

ファンド概要 Fund Summary

2002年の設立以降、12本約3,500億円のファンドを組成し、80社超の企業へ株式投資を行ってまいりました。現在、運営中のファンドの概要は以下のとおりです。 We have invested in over 80 companies.
The active funds are as follows;

8号ファンド Fund-8


Name of Fund : Endeavour United Ⅱ Investment Business Limited Partnership

ファンド総額 Size of Fund
351億円 JPY 35.1billion
設立時期 Effective
20189 September, 2018
9号ファンド Fund-9

エンデバー・ユナイテッド3号投資事業有限責任組合(国内)およびEUFUNDⅢ,L.P.(海外) Name of Fund :
Endeavour United Ⅲ Investment Business Limited Partnership (Japan domestic) and EUFUND III, L.P.(Offshore)*

*国内とは独立した運用、運営および投資判断を行うファンド * Managed independently of Japan domestic fund

ファンド総額 Size of Fund
530億円 JPY 53.0billion
設立時期 Effective
20228 August ,2022

アクセス Location



東京都千代田区丸の内二丁目5番1号 丸の内二丁目ビル6階


Endeavour United Co., Ltd.

6F, Marunouchi 2-chome Building 2-5-1 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0005

● 3-minutes walk from Marunouchi South Exit of JR East Tokyo Station
● 3-minutes walk from Exit 4 of Tokyo Metro Nijubashimae Station

Endeavour United Singapore Pte., Ltd.

71 Robinson Road, #13-113,
Singapore 068895